Reduce Reuse & Recycle

Most battery packs that die tend to only have a single cell that is actually bad. A lot of the times the issue is the IC and not all the cells are sill useable. So I went to a good will and asked offered a crazy low price for a whole box of batteries. They agreed and I got to cracking them open.

After separating the 18650 cells, they each go through three tests independently. The tests determines the cells internal resistance, how much capacity it hold, and if there are any internal shorts.

Each cell is labeled with the date, the capacity rating, and it’s current charge. To be extra safe I let them sit for a month and discarded any that dropped more than 0.1 volt.

I used to make sure each of the sets of ten 18650s in parallel are balanced in capacity.

IALEDPants v0.1b: WS2801 + Arduino

Here is the demo of my new WS2801 individually addressable RGB LED pants. The pants are lined with WS2801 RGB LED strips. The strips are controlled by an Arduino and powered by 4 AA batteries. I wanted to create this video quick before I add some additional features. I plan to add a microphone to code them to be noise active as well as add a pot to control the intensity of the LEDs.

