Second Floor Hallway Built-in

I cant seem to find a picture of the before but I was able to snap this frame from a video I found. The outside did not look too bad but the inside was the main reason we replaced the whole thing. I will update this post if I find any footage from the inside.

This was a simple build from a wood working stand-point. The whole unit was build downstairs in the workshop and dropped right place. Installed the molding, door, and paint.

I pre-ran all the LED wires prior to installing the frame. This project used 144/m 5V Individual Addressable RGB WS2812B LED Strip. After this project, I moved to all 12V variants and stopped obsessing over controlling every single pixel. The 5V + 144/M + long wire runs initially gave me some issue, but I eventually over came them.

The LEDs sit in a quarter round defuser that I originally bought for the stairs. This was my test run for the stair project and I am happy with how they came out.